Happy Friday Bookish Babes! As some of you may know I’ve stepped away from blogging to explore the realm of YouTube, however I still want to post on this space occasionally letting you know what I’m up to. Starting today my goal is to at least have a wrap up post every month for you guys.

So, what’s been going on in September? Work wise (I do have a 9-5 desk job that pays the bills) it’s been a little stressful lately due to a busy season in my field, but overall doing alright. At home I’ve also been pretty busy with rearranging some of our apartment. We’ve lived in our current apartment for a year and a half and it’s constantly a work in progress. Recently we had our balcony power washed and are working on setting it up as a nice outdoor space for the cooler months….which who knows when that will be, I do live in Texas after all. I do get to escape this hot weather soon though, we’re going to Seattle in a week! It has always been our dream to live in Seattle, even though we’ve never been there…. So we’re pretty much either going to be disappointed and change our life plans or we’re going to come back itching to move IMMEDIATELY. While we’re in the Pacific Northwest we’ll also be attending the Halloweentown festival in St. Helens, OR! I am so freaking excited for this, we’ll also be doing our first attempt at vlogging during this trip! Well, that’s pretty much all of my updates for this month. Let  me know what you’ve been up to and feel free to check out some of my latest videos while you’re here!

Exciting New Beginnings // Blog Update

Happy Monday everyone!! If you caught my last update post you’ll know that a few months ago I launched a YouTube channel with my husband reviewing movies, TV shows, comics, books, etc. Well, it turns out I REALLY enjoy making videos.

So…I started a Bookish Beauty YouTube channel! All of the content I’ve been posting on this blog will now be over on YouTube in video form. I may still blog occasionally but I do plan on putting majority of my energy into YouTube. I am so thankful for everyone who has followed this blog over the past year and a half, you guys have helped me grow and learn about myself more than I can express. While I know this may be disappointing to some of you who much prefer written content over video I hope that you’ll support me with this new project. I’ll leave you with the videos I have so far, I look forward to chatting with you in the comments!




If you have a YouTube channel please let me know so I can check it out! Have a great week everyone!