Favorite Books by Women Authors


Happy International Women’s Day everyone! In honor of today I wanted to talk about my favorite books written by women. I included a pretty wide mix of things including fantasy, historical fiction, memoirs, and self-help. I hope you find this helpful  and pick up some of these to read for yourself!


The Two Princesses of Bamarre by Gail Carson Levine

This is a favorite from my childhood and I still find myself re-reading it from time to time. Most people know this author by her Ella Enchanted book (also a movie starring Anne Hathaway), but this is my favorite of hers. A classic tale of dragons, specters, and sorcerers that I find so wonderfully fantastical for both children and adults. Also, I just discovered while writing this post that there is a prequel to this book coming out in May!


Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead by Brené Brown

I think absolutely everyone should read this, even if you aren’t into self-help books. Daring Greatly offers a unique look at being vulnerable and how it can be a positive force in life instead of a weakness. Brené Brown has a relatable, informed voice that helps apply all of the concepts in this book to your every day life.


A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab

I started this series back in October and I am absolutely enthralled with the world building and plot of this story. Centered around a magician that can travel between worlds we discover the cost of magic and the darkness it can bring. I think the magic system and world building in this is very unique and engaging. The final book in the series was recently published and I cannot wait to get my hands on it!


The Complete Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi

An insightful memoir about the authors coming of age during the Islamic Revolution in Tehran. I found this to be incredibly educational and Satrapi’s voice to be raw and inspiring. This is something I think absolutely everyone should read.


Arena by Karen Hancock

This is my absolute favorite book and I end up reading it at least once a year. A science fiction allegory that follows Callie through her incredibly journey of finding herself during adversity while trying to find her way out of the Arena.


Room by Emma Donoghue

This book got a lot of well deserved attention when it was adapted into a movie with Brie Larson in the title role. This was such a hard read due to the sensitive subject matter, but I found it so beautifully written. I loved reading from the little boy’s perspective, really put an interesting spin on this mystery/thriller.


Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor

I started this series while on my honeymoon 2 years ago and absolutely fell in love with it. The world building was fascinating and the main character, Karou, is one of my favorites in YA fantasy. I highly recommend picking this up if you enjoy fantasy at all!


Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe by Fannie Flagg

The movie adaptation of this novel has been a strong favorite of mine for years, but I hadn’t read the book until the end of 2015. This is an absolute gem that portrays the importance of strong female friendships.


Cinder by Marissa Meyer

A fairy tale retelling about classic Disney princesses set in a scifi world? YES PLEASE. The characters is this series are an absolute delight and it has one of the strongest villains I’ve read in YA lately. Most of the time I find the last book in a series to be a bit of a let down, who wants a story to end? However, this is not the case for the Lunar Chronicles. Winter (4th book) is one of my favorite ending to a series I’ve completed.


My Life on the Road by Gloria Steinem

This memoir was a wonderful, educational look at the beginning of the feminist movement and the role Steinem played. I learned so much women’s history from this book that I was never taught in school. This is a must read for men and women alike.


Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling

No great women writers list is complete without the iconic J.K. Rowling. Like many others from my generation, Harry Potter was an important part of my childhood. I still read these books every few years and I end up watching the movies at least once a year.


The Help by Kathryn Stockett

This was another one where I loved the movie long before I read the book. The characters in this story are fantastic and offer an insightful look into the civil rights struggles in the ’60s.


What are your favorite books by female authors? I would love to know!

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3 thoughts on “Favorite Books by Women Authors

    1. Ahhh yay! I love when people like the same books as me!

      You really should read Room, just be in a good mind set going into it, it can be pretty intense. I really loved the movie adaptation, which is rare for me, but they did a really good job with it.


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